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a Dutch classic
Dutch, Basic recipe, Pastry, Gran's recipes, and King's Day
Boterkoek sidepic

Shopping list
375g plain flour
340g soft butter
270g caster sugar
sachet vanilla sugar
1 free range egg

Boterkoek sidepicll

King's Day is coming soon! All in ancient Dutch tradition the traditional games will be played, like koekhappen and toilet bowl throwing (? :( ). How good will a piece of Old Dutch boterkoek then taste, with your tea or coffee on this festive day? Besides being delicious, it's easy to bake at home, with simple ingredients and ready in 30 minutes.

How to make an Old-Dutch Boterkoek
Preheat the oven to 170°C

Boterkoek 01
Boterkoek 02
Boterkoek 03

Grease a baking tin of 20x20 cm.

Mix all ingredients except for the egg.

Press the dough into the tin.

Smoothen the top of the boterkoek with the back of a wetted spoon

Boterkoek 05
Boterkoek 06
Boterkoek 07

Brush lightly beaten egg on the dough.

Pull a pattern in the dough using a fork.

Bake the boterkoek for 30-35 minutes.

Boterkoek 08
Boterkoek homelll

Allow the boterkoek to cool in the tin.

Serve the boterkoek cut into squares.

What a lovely big boterkoek (with mega calories)! We can treat a lot of people and put some in a box to surprise Gran with!