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Blackberry compote

tomorrow we bake apple scones
Waldorf crafts, British, Autumn, With fresh fruit, and Jam / compote / jelly
Bramen compote sidepic

Shopping list
750g blackberries, halved
100g caster sugar
juice of ½ a lemon
small pinch of ground cinnamon, optional

Please Note: we made half the recipe!

Bramen compote sidepicll

Tomorrow we will bake apple scones, that's why today we are making blackberry compote, to go with them. Delicious, in the fall there is again an abundance of the tastiest organic apples and blackberries. We love the Fall ;))

How to make blackberry compote

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Rinse the blackberries until clean.

Let them drain well.

Juice ½ the lemon.

Put 2/3 of the blackberries in the blender.

Add the sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon if desired

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Blend the mixture smooth.

Sift the pits out of the compote.

Discard the seeds.

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Cut the remaining blackberries in half.

Stir them into the compote.

Pour the compote in a pan.

Bring it to a boil.

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Bramen compote home

Let the compote reduce gently to the desired thickness.

Eat the compote within 2 days or freeze it.
