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Mini Caesar wraps

with chicken & bacon
Lunch, Sandwich, American, With fresh vegetables, and Chicken & Poultry
Mini caesar wrap side

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The dressing
150g organic yogurt
1 clove of garlic, grated
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan
4 anchovies
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce
½ a lemon, zest and juice

The wraps
2 tablespoons olive oil
freshly grounded black pepper & sea salt
200g chicken breast, thinly sliced
100g bacon, crispy
1 packet of mini-wraps
150g mixed lettuce
2 spring onions, sliced
2 tomatoes, sliced
100g shaved parmesan cheese

Today a delicious lunch dish based on the Ceasar salad. All main characters participate, chicken, anchovies, Parmesan cheese, supplemented with some other tasty salad ingredients.

We came across the recipe on Bake to the Roots, a great food blog by Marc, a graphic designer living in Berlin. With minimal adaptation the wraps are perfect for snazzie, the kids really like them!

How to make the Caesar chicken wraps
Start by making the dressing

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Grate and zest the half lemon, grate/shave the Parmesan.

Put yogurt, garlic, anchovies and grated cheese in the blender.

Add the oil, lemon juice and Worchestershire sauce.

Blend until combined in a smooth, shiny dressing.

  • Cool the dressing in the fridge then toast the wraps for 1-2 minutes
  • Sprinkle salt and grate pepper on the chicken then heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan
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Fry the chicken, put it aside to cool then fry the bacon in the same pan.

Place the wraps on a plate, spread on salad and sliced spring onion.

Place the slices chicken on top, drizzle on dressing.

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Mini caesar wrap home

Top with pieces of bacon, tomato and shaved parmesan cheese.

Fold the Caesar wraps then stick in a cocktail pricker.

Enjoy your Sunday!