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Chili con carne

tastes good now it's getting colder outside
With fresh vegetables, Minced meat, Mexican, Sauces, and Stew
Chili con carne side

Shopping list for 4 persons
750 grams of ground beef
1 large can of kidney beans
2 large onions
3 bell peppers
250g mushrooms
500g tomatoes
3 tablespoons olive oil
small can of tomato paste
1 teaspoon cornstarch
50 ml water

herbs & spices
ground sea salt & black pepper
1 teaspoon hot pepper powder
1 teaspoon crushed chili flakes
nutmeg grater
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 tsp celery salt


Now it gets colder again outside a hearty stew like chili con carne tastes even better. Easy to make and to share if unexpectedly more people want to stay for dinner. Because that happens when you cook Chili con carne!

How to make Chili Con Carne

Chili con carne 01
Tortilla 05
Chili con carne 02
Chili con carne 04

Wash and cut the peppers into strips and fry them gently in olive oil.

Meanwhile cut the onions into strips and fry them with the peppers.

Brush and cut the mushrooms and tomatoes coarsely.

Add the mushrooms when the onions are soft.

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Chili con carne 07
Chili con carne 08

Add the minced meat and fry it until it's brown.

Now add the tomatoes and cook them briefly.

Rinse the beans until the water stays clear.

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Fold the beans gently into the meat/vegetable mixture.

Stir a cornstarch-paste then stir in the herbs.

Or make it easy and add a sachet of Knorr.

Stir the spice and the tin tomato paste into the Chili con carne.

Chili con carne 13

Allow the sauce to bind a few minutes and taste the stew. If the sauce is too thick, add some water. If it's to thin a maizenapapje it.

Serve the chilli con carne with rice or fresh bread to dip in the sauce. You may also want to give a green salad with it.