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Cuddura Siciliana

Italian Easter koekjes
Waldorf recipes, Italian, Biscuits, and Easter
Cuddara siciliana side

Shopping list for 6 biscuits
6 small free range eggs
250g plain flour
65g butter
50g sugar
pinch of salt
1 free range egg yolk
multi coloured sprinkles

Cuddara siciliana promoll

This recipe for traditional Italian Easter biscuits we found on Great Italian chefs It is by Antonella la Macchia, foodblogger and cooking teacher based in Tuscany. We have still have hare and chick cookiecutters, so let's have some fun! Easter biscuits with an egg on top will be getting a warm reception by our mini monsters!

How to make Cuddara Siciliana

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Boil the eggs until hard, in 10 minutes.

Mix the flour with butter, sugar and salt until combined.

Gradually add a trickle of water to the mixture.

The crumbs should become a smooth and elastic dough.

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Knead the dough by hand for a few minutes.

Shape it into a ball.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes, in the refrigerator. Then preheat the oven to 180°C

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Roll the dough to 1 cm thickness.

Cut out the shapes.

Press an egg on each shape.

Cut strips from leftover dough.

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Use strips to fasten the eggs on the biscuits.

Brush the biscuits with beaten egg yolk.

Scatter sprinkles on the biscuits.

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Cuddara siciliana home

Bake the biscuits in +/- 20 minutes light brown.

And yes, very cute indeed!