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Aesop's Fables

by Aesop and Charles Santore
Picture Book, History, Mythology, Science, and informative and educational
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Aesop's Fables
Author: Aesop
Illustrator: Charles Santore
Original language: English
Published: December 2020
Publishers: Apple Sauce Press
ISBN13: 9781646430246
Price: € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 7 years and up

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The fables of Aesop (ca. 620 – ca. 560 BC) are timeless, they are still being reprinted. These two editions are especially written for children, but they are not childish. With the beautiful illustrations by two very different illustrators are each of these books a wonderful posession for life, for every child. Aesop's observations are as relevant today as they were when they were put on papyrus. Human nature does not change, that much is clear!

De fabels van Aesop, the Dutch version

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Author Imme Dros has earned her spurs with writing children's books. The snazzie readers love her books, especially the Myth from the Greek Antiquity, but today's book is also for younger children. The stories are not too exciting because they are fables. The modern style artwork by Fulvio Testa is cheerful and funny, they give the stories an extra boost.

Aesop's Fables, the English edition

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For Aesop's Fables in this picture book has American illustrator Charles Santore created the beautiful, classic artwork. The precisely coloured, very detailed drawings give so much atmosphere to the stories. The expression on the heads of the animals is masterful.

We appreciate the books equally, they are both beautiful in their own way. The re-told fables as well as the illustrations. The books are often read to our little monsters and they love them.

3 eternally radiant stars for both versions of Aesop's Fables!