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The tastiest chocolate milk

you make from real chcolate
Chocolate milk, Dutch, With chocolate, and Sinterklaas
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Shopping list for 2 persons
500 ml whole milk
2 tablespoons double cream
1 cinnamon stick
scrapings from ½ a vanilla pod
50g milk chocolate, in small pieces
50g dark chocolate, in small pieces
2 pinches of cocoa

Optional double cream whipped with 2 tablespoons sugar
or frothed milk

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The tastiest chocolate milk you make from real chocolate, especially on December 5th. You can make it quick and easy. With or without fresh whipped cream. This delicious chocolatemilk is for the true chocoholics!

The mini monsters do not like the black dots in the milk so we replace the vanilla pod with vanilla extract.

How to make real chocolate milk

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Measure 400ml milk, pour it in a saucepan with cream, cinnamon and vanilla.

Weigh the dark and milk chocolate, it should be 100g together.

Chop the chocolate into little pieces.

Bring the milk slowly almost to a boil on low heat.

This way the cinnamon and vanilla can infuse the milk really well.

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Add the chocolate and stir it into the milk.

Using a whisk make sure there are no lumps.

Froth the milk or whisk the double cream.

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Pour the hot chocolate into the mugs.

Scoop the frothed milk on top of the hot chocolate.

Finally top it with some cocoa powder and then Pakjesavond can begin!