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The most beautiful cupcakes

we make for Mum
Cupcakes, Mother's Day, and Treat
Glazed cupcakes side

Shopping list
250g self-raising flour
250g caster sugar
1 sachet vanilla sugar
250 g butter (room temperature)
3 free range eggs (room temp.)
4 tablespoons of milk
400g icing sugar
half a lemon
food colours
marzipan and sugar pearls

Glazed cupcakes sidell

For Mother's Day we bake these sweet cupcakes, we can take them with us on our surprise picnic. It's a little bit of extra work with a glaze in four colours and it takes a bit more time but we do not mind because it is for Mum!

How to make glazed, pastel coloured cupcakes

Preheat the oven to 170°C

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Cut the butter into cubes.

Mix butter and sugar creamy.

Add the eggs.

Mix in the flour in portions.

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Scrape with a rubber spoon along the bowl.

Quickly mix the milk into the batter.

Fill the paper cupcake cases half.

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Bake the cakes +/- 20 minutes.

Allow to cool completely.

Cut off the round tops.

Stir icing sugar with water.

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Add 3 drops of lemon juice.

Spoon white icing on the cupcakes.

Turn the cakes gently so the icing spreads.

Making a glaze for 4 cupcakes

Stir 100g icing sugar with 1 -2 tablespoons water and 3 drops lemon juice, the gl;aze should be just liquid.

Colour it in pastel colours by smearing a tiny drop of food colouring on your whisk. Careful, soon it is too much.

We make white, pink, pale green and lilac glazes, the first three are obvious but lilac is blue mixed with red.

Work carefully, a hard glaze is quickly damaged. Little dents disappear by rubbing softly with a moist fingertip.

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Glazed cupcakes home

Press little flowers from fondant icing.

Decorate the cupcakes with the flowers.

It is difficult to choose one!

Happy Mother's Day!