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These cute Easter cakes

we bake for the kids
Dutch, With chocolate, Pastry, With whipped Cream, and Easter
Easter cakes sidepic
Shopping list for four cakes
4 free range eggs
5g lemon zest 
100g sugar
90g all purpose flour
10g cornflour
pinch of salt
250 ml double cream
1 sachet of klop fix
blue and green food colouring
2 tablespoons of sugar
chocolate sugar coated speckled eggs
Easter cakes sidepicll

For Easter we make the kids favorite cakes: cake, cream and chocolate eggs. The cakes are made from a special cake batter called kapsel. The  recipe comes from the cookbook Cees Holtkamp made. The footnote to this recipe states that in the last century this recipe was the base for all types of cake. We use this recipe a lot! The spring form we use is 25 x 25 cm

How to make Easter cakes for kids

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Grease a spring form, place waxed paper on the bottom.

Sieve the flour with the cornflour in a large bowl.

In another bowl break the eggs, add sugar, salt and lemon zest.

Whisk all au bain marie until it is light and fluffy.

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Fold the flour mixture into the egg mixture.

Pour the batter into the form.

Bake the cake for 25 minutes.

Allow the cake to cool completely on a wire rack then cut off the crust thinly.

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Cut 12 circles out of the cake.

Beat the cream with klopfix, sugar & colour.

Spread cream on the circles then stack them.

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End with cream then place the small Easter eggs on top.

The cakes taste yummie with some tea!

Happy Easter!