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A Quick Sushi Bowl

Tasty, fresh and healthy!
Summer, Main Courses, With fresh vegetables, and With Fish
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Shopping list for 2 people
150g sushi rice
a pinch caster sugar
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 salmon fillets
1 teaspoon olive oil
4 tablespoons pickled red cabbage
1 large carrot, cut into ribbons
¼ cucumber, cut into ribbons
handful of radishes, thinly sliced
piece of fresh ginger (finely chopped)
1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)

All of our fresh organic veg comes from Rechtstreex

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Sometimes it can be useful to put a quick but healthy meal on the table. On a busy weekend, for example. Today we do that with a quick sushi bowl. Lots of tasty fresh vegetables with rice and a piece of oily fish. The marinade is ready-made in a bottle, but you can also make it yourself. We opt for easy today. ;))

How to make this Sushi Bowl

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Rub the salmon fillets with Teriyaki sauce.

Let the salmon marinate in the refrigerator.

Cook the rice as indicated on the packet.

Wash the veg and let it drain.

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Peel the carrot and the cucumber, cut both thinly.

Slice the radishes and chop the ginger finely.

Heat the skillet with the olive oil.

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Grill the salmon nicely brown and cooked on both sides.

Stir the rice until loose with sugar and rice vinegar.

Divide the rice between 2 bowls and drizzle with soy sauce.

Place the thinly sliced vegetables neatly on top.

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Quick sushi bowl homepage

Place the salmon on the vegetables, the soy saus on the side.

Sprinkle the sushi bowl with sesame seeds, if desired.

Enjoy your weekend!