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A Summer Trifle part l

how to make Cherry Jello and Custard
British, Summer, Desserts, and With fresh fruit
Kersenjello vanillevla sidepic

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for the cherry jelly

250 ml cherry juice
3 gelatin sheets

for the vanilla custard
250 ml milk
½ vanilla pod
20 g cornflour
1 tablespoon sugar
½ medium free range egg yolk

Vanillevla homepage

Today we make a typical British cherry jelly and custard (vanilla) custard because tomorrow we want to eat a very nice summer trifle. If we start today, then tomorrow we won't have to be in the kitchen that long and both the jelly and the custard have more than enough time to set. So a win - win!

How to make cherry jelly

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Soak the gelatine 6-8 minutes in cold water.

Pour the cherry juice in a saucepan.

Put the pan on medium heat, until the juice is hot.

The juice should be hot but absolutely not boil.

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Add the squeezed out gelatin to the hot juice.

Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Allow the jelly to cool then pour it into a glass bowl.

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Kersenjelly home

Set the cooled jelly in the refrigerator overnight.

Yesterday the jelly was liquid, now it has totally set!

How to make custard

Pour the milk in a saucepan except for 2 tablespoons

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Scrape the vanilla pod empty.

Add the vanilla to the milk.

Put the cornstarch in a small bowl.

Stir a paste with the 2 spoons milk.

Bring the milk to a boil

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Remove the vanilla pod.

Add the cornstarch paste.

Keep stirring while the milk thickens.

Remove the pan from the fire.

Add the eggs to the milk mixture

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Beat the eggs into the milk mixture.

Pour the custard into a clean bowl.

Dust with a thin layer of icing sugar.

Instead of icing sugar you can also press a piece of cling film directly on the vanilla custard, both prevent a skin forming

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Kersenjelly vanillevla home

Tomorrow we will make a delicious trifle with this!