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French coffee?

The French coffee is very good
Info, Coffee, and French

There are a few things to tell about French coffee! In the morning the French drink café au lait or coffee with milk. Strong espresso with a jug of hot milk on the side, very nice. But if you ask for this coffee in the afternoon, eyebrows are being raised!

After breakfast (sometimes at) the French drink small cups of strong black coffee which they call un petit café, un café simple, un café noir, un petit noir, un café express or un express. If you still want milk in your coffee when the morning is over, then ask for a cappuccino, just like everywhere else in the world ;))

How to make un petit café and un café au lait at home using a cafetière à piston (or French Press)
What do you need?

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Boiling water.

A French Press.

Coarsly grated French coffee.

A big bowl, sugar and milk.

How to make the coffee

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Put 1.5 teaspoon coarsly ground coffee per person in the cafetière.

Pour on 90 ml of boiling water per person, let it rest four minutes.

Press the filter gently and evenly downwards.

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Franse koffie home

For a café au lait pour hot milk to taste in your coffee.

Serve a black petit café in a small espresso cup.
