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Peak's Free From

gluten free brown bread
Breakfast, Lunch, Baking Bread, Gluten Free, and Lactose Free
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350 ml tepid water
1 packet of Peak's Free From brown bread mix
1 sachet of yeast, 7 grams
30g butter or margarine
1 free range egg
extra margarine to grease
Free from glutenvrij home

Baking a tasty bread without gluten is quite a challenge, we already found out! The bread tastes all right if it comes straight from the oven. Thawed in the microwave it is also okay. But taking gluten free bread to school in a bread box is horrible, the bread crumbles like crazy so you have a mouthfull of sandy crumbs. But of course we will not give up!

Our second gluten-free bread is baked with a brown bread mix from Peak's of the Free From series. Because we also have to bake cow's milk free we use a vegetable margarine to bake with but butter is fine too.


How to bake Peak's Free From gluten free brown bread

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Pour the tepid water into the mixing bowl.

Add the Free From flour, butter, egg and yeast to the water.

Meanwhile grease the baking tin with butter.

After 5 minutes of mixing the bread dough is ready.

Preheat the oven to 30°C

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Spoon the dough into the baking tin.

Cover it loosly with aluminum foil.

Allow the dough to prove 45-60 mins.

Preheat the oven to 240°C

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Bake the bread for 40 minutes.

When the bread has cooled you can slice it.

Our conclusion
This bread proved a little less then the AH bread mix of last week, it is also firmer. It smells really nice and it tastes nice too, after cooling completely. Less crumbly than the first bread but in the daily bread box taken to school it is still too crumbly to be really tasty.

We'll try again in about a week's time with the Damhert (Fallow deer) brown bread mix. We've already ordered Le Poole's bread improving paste and Orgran  gluten replacement, to see if that makes a difference to the crumbling.

We hope to see you again next week with a better result!