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Apple/pear/cherry compôte

delicious with Finnish pancake
Summer, British, Side Dishes, With fresh fruit, and Preserves
Fruit compote sidepic

Shopping list
2 apples, Elstar for example
2 pears, Doyenne du comice
box (250g) cherries, frozen
2 tablespoons sugar
50ml water

Fruit compote sidepicll

Fruit compote is quickly made and very tasty, especially in combination with the Finnish pancake! Because there are no sweet, fresh cherries available (yet) we use frozen, from a box. When the compote is ready we taste it and honestly: it tastes delicious!

How to make the Fruit compote

Fruit compote 01
Fruit compote 02
Fruit compote 03
Fruit compote 04

Peel apples and pears, cut them into chunks.

Add the sugar and the water to the fruit.

Bring fruit to the boil, let gently simmer for 10 minutes.

Add the cherries, let them cook softly for 2-3 minutes.

Fruit compote 05
Fruit compote home

Pour the compôte into a sterilized preserve jar.

We do not preserve the compote because eat it all, tomorrow ;)

Tomorrow we make Finnish pancake to go with it!