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Gluten free apple pastries

made with Damhert Puff Pastry
With apples, Dutch, Pastry, Gluten Free, and Treat
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a packet of Damhert gluten-free puff pastry
2 apples, we used Elstar
a handful of raisins
1 free-range organic egg yolk, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons of sugar
a dash of cinnamon

Glutenvrije appelflap sidepicll

Today we are conducting another comparative commodity gluten study (sounds so posh in English ;) ) baking gluten-free apple pastry. No PDF-recipe included today because everyone can bake an appleflap with frozen puff pastry! The gluten-free puff pastry from Damhert is okay, but we now know that baking as tasty as with gluten-free products is difficult! Not difficult in the sense of difficult to prepare but difficult to achieve the level of non-gluten-free bread, biscuits, cake or other pastries.

The exception to this is the pancake flour, here the kids notice no difference. That is why we only bake 1 type of pancakes here and everyone eats it with pleasure, so gluten-free;)) But more about that another time.

This is how you make the apple pastry

Peel and core the apples, cut them into cubes. Preheat the oven to 200°C

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Cut the half thawed dough diagonally in half.

Stir sugar, cinnamon and raisins into the cubes apples.

Place the apple mixture on the dough then seal it with egg yolk.

Press the edges of the appelflappen tightly closed!

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Brush the apple pastries with egg yolk.

Bake them in 20 - 25 minutes golden.

Allow the appelflappen to cool on a wire rack.

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The puff pastry freezer pack contains 5 slices, rectangular instead of square, so somewhat smaller. The package costs more than 2x as much as the regular frozen puff pastry with 10 square slices. not strange because gluten-free products are usually more expensive.

We have already tried many products, but often it is disappointing, despite all the improvers and other tools. These apple turnovers do not fall into that category, quite good is the opinion of the mini-monsters!

Nice colour, right!