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Hare paws

are yummie & cute
Spring, British, Biscuits, and Easter
Hazenpootjes sidepic

Shopping list for 15 biscuits
50g butter
50g light brown caster sugar
½ free range organic egg, lightly beaten
½ teaspoon vanilla
140g all purpose flour
50g icing sugar
few drops of lemon juice
frugally add water per tablespoon
pink food colouring

Hazenpootjes sidepicll

Today we bake Easter Bunny paws with a homemade glaze. The cookies taste slightly different from our standard vanilla cookies but they are very tasty, they are made with a little cinnamon and brown caster sugar. In addition, the mini monsters find them very cute! ;))

How to make Easter Bunny Paws

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Mix the butter with the sugar creamy.

Scrape the butter mixture off the side.

Then mix in the egg and vanilla.

Add cinnamon and bakingpowder to the flour.

Mix the dough until you have large crumbs.

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Knead the crumbs quickly smooth by hand.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Place it in the fridge.

Allow the dought to rest in the fridge for 1 - 2 hours then knead it quickly.

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Roll the dough to 1 cm, cut out 15 circles.

Cut 45 small circles out of the dough.

Stick on each circle 3 small circles.

Place the biscuits 30 minutes in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 175°C

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Bake the biscuits in 8 - 10 minutes light brown.

Allow to rest on the tray for a few minutes.

Then cool completely on a wire rack.

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Half the biscuits we keep plain.

Sift the icing sugar.

Stir in water, lemon and colour.

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Hazenpootjes home

Drip some icing on the paws using a teaspoon.

Push the glaze - using the teaspoon - a little to the edge.

Happy Easter Day!