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Homemade Celeriac Salad

for pakjesavond!
Dutch, Sinterklaas, With fresh fruit, With fresh vegetables, Salad, and Vegetarian
Verse selderij salade sidepic

Shopping list
1 small celeriac
2 spring onions
1 apple
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
3 tablespoons yogurt
1 teaspoon mustard
freshly ground white pepper, to taste
sea ​​salt, to taste

Verse selderij salade sidepicll
Verse selderij salade 01
Verse selderij salade 02
Verse selderij salade 03
Verse selderij salade 04

Cut and peel the celeriac.

Grate it finely.

Cut the spring onions finely.

Peel and core the apple.

Verse selderij salade 05
Verse selderij salade 06
Verse selderij salade 07

Grate the apple as well.

Put celeriac, onion and apple into a big bowl.

Add yogurt, mayo and lemon juice.

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Verse selderij salade 09

Season the salad with sea salt, pepper and mustard.

Place it in the refrigerator in a well-closable container.

After the flavours have blended you can serve the celeriac salad with toast or baguette, we save it for December 5th!.

Happy pakjesavond!