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Sticky chicken casserole

with white wine and honey
British, Main Courses, With fresh vegetables, Chicken & Poultry, and Stew
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500-600g free range boneless chicken thighs
2 red onions
3 carrots + 1 courgette
1/2 a small pumpkin
2 red - 1 green peppers
5 cloves of garlic, whole
fresh herbs to taste
sea salt & freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
olive oil to taste
1 glass of dry white wine
2-3 tablespoons runny honey

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Via the Great British Chefs website we ended up on the foodurchin blog. A fun blog but you need time and be very fond of reading ;) Always in for an casserole with lots of vegetables we found this Sticky chicken recipe worth a try. We should mention that just by reading, the oven time seemed long to us and that turned out to be so.

The vegetables were too soft to our taste, otherwise the dish was very tasty and certainly worth repeating. But next time we fry the chicken first and in the last half hour the vegetables. Some of the recipe is adjusted to our taste, the cooking time too. If you like your veg to have a 'bite' you fry the chicken first.

How to make the Sticky chicken casserole

Preheat the oven to 200°C

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Wash all vegetables then cut them in chunks .

Put the veg and herbs in a casserole dish with the garlic.

Season with pepper, salt and paprika, toss with your hands.

Place the chicken on top the season with salt & pepper.

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Sprinkle generous with olive oil then pour in the wine and the honey.

Place the casserole dish with the lid on in the oven for 1 hour.

Remove the lid then allow the sticky chicken to cook for 30 minutes more.

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The sticky chicken looks delicious, nicely browned and cooked.

Serve the casserole with rice of bread and baby spinach.