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we eat in Croatia
Pastry, Europese, and With whipped Cream
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250g puff pastry, frozen
100g cornstarch
5 small free range eggs
90g cater sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
750ml whole milk
250ml double cream
icing sugar to dust

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The Kremsnita is a popular pastry in Croatia. Funny because in the Netherlands we have an also very popular nearly identical pastry, the Tompouce. Only our Tompouce has a layer of pink icing on top. Maybe we should exchange recipes with Croatia, wonder what they think of our pink glaze;)

How to make Kremsnita

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Defrost the puff pastry and stick holes in it.

Measure and weigh all ingredients, keep it at hand.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks, save the whites.

Bake the puff pastry in 10 minutes on 200 ° C golden.

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Whisk cornstarch, yolks, sugar, vanilla and 5 tbspoons milk together.

Put the rest of the milk on and bring almost to the boil.

Add the cornstarch mixture to the warm milk and stir.

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Keep stirring continuously and wait for the mixture to thicken.

Remove the custard from the heat when it's thick, put it aside.

Beat the egg whites stiff and fold a spoonfull into the custard.

Then quickly fold in the remaining egg whites too.

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Let the custard completely cool then stiffen in the fridge.

Cut the pastry the same size pieces, spoon custard on half of it.

Whisk the cream stiff and spread a layer on to the custard.

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Kremsnita croatia promo

Press a piece of puff pastry on top and dust it with icing sugar.

The Kremsnita tastes great, little and large agree on that!

Our next stop is Lithuania, see you soon!