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Love Knots

we bake medieval biscuits
Dutch, Summer, and Biscuits
Love knots sidepic

Shopping list
½ teaspoon baking soda
300g plain flour
120g caster sugar
60g unsalted butter + 30g lard

1 small free range organic egg
tablespoon milk
cinnamon, to taste
red jam, any flavour

Love knots sidepicll
These medieval love knots were a hint from the lady of the castle to the knight of her choice. But in the end we discover (what a pity!) that you are not going to win your beloved this way, because the cookies are unfortunately nothing to write home about! We just add some extra jam to make up for it.
How to make the Love Knots
Love knots 01
Love knots 02
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Love knots 04

Place flour and baking powder in the mixer.

Add the sugar then mix a second.

Add butter and lard and mix again.

Keep mixing until little dough crumbs form.

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Whisk an egg and add it.

Add the vanilla and the cinnamon.

Add the milk to it as well.

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Beat a little while until you have bigger crumbs.

Knead the loose crumbs firmly by hand.

Shape a ball when the dough is smooth and supple.

Let the dough rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle flour on the baking mat and remove the dough from the refrigerator. Place waxed paper on a baking tray and preheat the oven to 175°C

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Roll thin snakes of dough.

Repeat twisting 2 together.

Roll the snakes into a knot.

Prick holes using a wooden spoon.

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Place the knots on the baking tray.

Bake for  12 - 15 minutes.

Allow to cool on a wire rack.

Love knots 19
Love knots home

Drop in every biscuit a small spoonful red jam.

The Love Knots taste not as good as as we hoped ;))