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Home made orange lemonade

with bubbles!
Summer, Lemonade, With fresh fruit, and Picnic Dishes
Img 91327

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4 oranges
2 lemons
1 liter carbonated mineral water
1 tablespoon honey (or to taste)
ice cubes to your taste
a glass swing-top bottle

Img 82349

Homemade lemonade may be retro but it's still the very best! Without sugar or other additions it's fresh and healthy! The swing top bottle must first be washed in hot water with soda and then you have to rinse it thoroughly with boiling water. Close the clean bottle until you need it.


Squeeze the lemons and add the honey to the juice.

Keep stirring until the honey is completely dissolved.

Squeeze out the oranges.

Stir the orange juice into the lemon mixture.


Pour the orange mixture through a funnel into the sterilized bottle.

Fill the bottle up with the carbonated mineral water, but leave room for chrushed ice.

Handy, an ice crusher but a plastic bag and a rolling pin work just as well.

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The crushed ice fits the bottle neck.

The unopend bottle you can keep a long time.

The ideal picnic drink, orange lemonade!