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Easter Mini Cheese cakes

are too tasty!
Waldorf recipes, With chocolate, With Cheese, Pastry, Celebrations around the World, and Easter
Paas cheese cakejes sidepic

Shopping list
250 grams of patent flour
50 grams of icing sugar
125 grams cold butter, cubed
½ free range organic egg yolk
60 ml of ice-cold water
Cream cheese filling
100 ml whipped cream
200 grams of full cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ tablespoons cocoa powder

Paas cheese cakejes homepage

For Easter we make delicious chocolate cheesecake bites from an American recipe, we changed the cups to grams for you already. First we bake the shortcrust pastry containers, which are ready quickly but do need to rest in the refrigerator for at least 45 mins - 1.5 hour in total. During the first rest we take a tea break. In the second (short) rest we make the cream cheese filling.

You do need a baking pan. for the round mini pastry cases, we use a silicone mold.

A mixer is also very useful!

How to make the pastry cases

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Cool some water with ice cubes.

Sift the flour into a large bowl.

Sift in the icing sugar too.

Cut the cold butter into cubes.

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Add the butter cubes to the flour mixture.

Rub the butter into the flour mixture.

Unitl it resembles big crumbs

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Beat the egg yolk until loose.

Knead the egg into the mixture

Then knead the water into the dough.

Into a smooth, elastic dough

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Wrap the dough in cling film.

Put it into the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Then knead it through and roll it out.

Preheat the oven to 200°C / 180°C Fan

*Place the mold with the pastry cases in the refrigerator for another 15-30 minutes before baking!

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Cut circles from the dough.

*Press into the mold and poke holes.

Bake the pastry for +/- 15 minutes.

Let cool a moment in the mold.

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Allow the pastry cases to cool completely on a wire rack.

Meanwhile make the cheesecake filling with our next recipe

In our next recipe we also make small chocolates, to decorate the tartlets :))