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Birthday, American, Pastry, Snacks, and Treat
Mini doughnuts side

Shopping list
250g white flour
20g soft butter
25g caster sugar
1 free range organic egg
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
7g dried fast action yeast
75ml lukewarm milk
4 tablespoons water

Baking and decoration
sunflower oil, for frying
30g caster sugar, for sprinkling
50g chocolate
2 tablespoons double cream
75g icing sugar,
1 drop red food coloring
3 drops of lemon juice
1½ tablespoon water

Making mini-doughnuts seems like a lot of work, but it is not that bad. We do not make them often - because it is a real American snack, with lots of sugar and deep fried - but when we do it's party time and not just for the mini-monsters!

How to make doughnuts

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Weigh the flour then place it in a mixingbowl.

Add the salt to the flour in the bowl.

Make a well in the middle and pour in the yeast.

Whisk the egg then pour into the bowl.

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Add the butter to the mixing bowl.

Add the milk.

Use the dough hook and start the mixer.

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Mix it into a coarse dough.

Lightly grease a clean bowl.

Knead the dough 10 minutes.

Place the dough in the bowl.

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Cover the bowl with a clean, humid dishcloth then let the dough rise.

After 45 minutes the dough has doubled in size, roll it to 1cm.

Heat the oil to 180 ° C, check it by frying a piece of bread.

Cut out doughnuts with a 6cm serving ring, cut a hole using a 2cm cutter and allow the dougnuts to prove for another 30 minutes under greased cling film which does not touch the doughnuts.

How to fry the doughnuts

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Slide the doughnuts gently into the hot oil.

Fry the doughnuts 1 min. on both sides until golden.

Drain the doughnuts on kitchen paper.

Melt the piece of chocolate with the cream au bain marie.

Placing the doughnuts in a bag with the sugar and toss until covered.

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Mini doughnuts home

Stir a pink glaze, pour on the doughnuts, sprinkle with sugar mice.

Dip the remaining doughnuts in melted chocolate.

We knew it already, no Saturday morning paper but PARTY!