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Mini Raspberry Éclairs

a high tea pastry
British, With chocolate, Summer, Pastry, High Tea, and With whipped Cream
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For the choux pastry
50g cold butter cubes
65g plain flour
2½ free-range organic eggs (S), beaten
For the filling
500ml double cream
2 tablespoons raspberry syrup
For the icing
400g icing sugar
½ teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons raspberry syrup
To decorate
50g white chocolate, melted

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Mini raspberry éclairs are delicious, originally French pastries but ... the British have adopted them. So delicious and so cute they fit perfectly with the famous British High Tea. Something we Dutchies are always up for. Especially with this nice, warm weather! Then we take our tea outside and in the sunshine our plain tea immediately becomes a party, let alone tea with éclairs!

How to make mini raspberry éclairs

Preheat the oven to 220°C / 200°C Fan

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Put 150ml water and the butter cubes in a saucepan.

Bring the water slowly to a boil and let the butter melt.

Tip in the flour and remove the pan from the heat.

Stir vigorously until a firm, smooth dough comes together.

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Put the pan back on the heat, keep stirring until the dough gets away from the side.

Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool slightly.

Beat the eggs and one by one stir them in, 2 large eggs or 2.5 small.

While still stirring firmly you add egg until the pastry has a pipeable consistency

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Place waxed paper on the baking tray and spray with water.

Fill a piping bag with the pastry dough.

Pipe 7cm strips of pastry on the baking tray.

Bake the éclairs for 10 minutes and turn the oven down to 190°C.

Bake the éclairs for 20 minutes longer until a light golden brown and puffed, the damp baking paper helps the éclairs to puff

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Let the éclairs cool in the turned off oven

Beat the double cream until you see soft peaks.

Briefly mix in the raspberry syrup.

Cut the éclairs open lenght way

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Pipe full with whipped cream.

Place them in the fridge for the cream to set..

Stir the icing.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

Let the chocolate cool a little while

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Spread the icing over the éclairs.

Allow the icing to dry.

Pipe white chocolate on top of the éclairs.

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Mini raspberry eclairs homepage

Serve the mini raspberry éclairs with tea.

Keep the éclairs in the refrigerator, but not too long! :))


  • We use homemade raspberry syrup to colour the whipped cream and icing in stead of food colouring
  • If you want to make the icing a lighter pink, add 1 tablespoon milk and 1 tablespoon syrup, instead of 2 syrup