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Mini Cinnamon Runs

are made super fast!
Breakfast, Baking Bread, and Picnic Dishes
Easy cinnaman rolls sidepic

Shopping list
1 can ready-made croissant dough
30g soft butter
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 tablespoons soft light brown sugar
50g icing sugar
3 drops lemon juice
2 tablespoons water

Easy cinnaman rolls sidepicll

These super fast Cinnamon Rolls are a big success with the mini and the maxi-monsters. Usually 1 can is really too not enough ;)) The mini monsters find these mini Cinnamon Rolls extra tasty with icing, and that is no effort at all! These sweet rolls are a treat on festive days such as the Eid al Fitr for example, they are also great to take on a picnic.

How to make super easy Mini Cinnamon Rolls

Preheat the oven to 200°C / 180°C hete lucht

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Roll out the dough.

Cut it into 3 parts.

Spread the butter on top.

Stir sugar and cinnamon together.

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Sprinkle it on top of the dough.

Roll up the dough.

Cut the 3 rolls into 6 pieces each.

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18 rolls in all.

Put baking paper in a 23cm tin.

Spread out the rolls.

Bake for 12 - 15 minutes.

Remove the cinnamon rolls from the oven when golden brown and cooked

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Allow the rolls to cool slightly.

Stir the icing, thick but liquid.

Drizzle the icing over the rolls.

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Easy cinnaman rolls home

Eat the Cinnamon Rolls still warm or pack them and bring them outside to eat :)) Happy Eid!