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Mississippi Mud Pie

the chocolate pie for Pakjesavond!
With chocolate, American, Sinterklaas, and Cakes
Mississippi mud pie side

Shopping list
300g cookies (store bought)
100g melted butter
175g dark chocoloate
85g butter
4 free range eggs
100g demerara sugar
200 ml double cream

The top layer
150 g dark chocolate (or 1/2 milk / 1/2 dark)
150 ml double cream
45 ml honey
175g icing sugar

Springform of 24/25 cm

The best chocolate cake is for small snazzie bakers like Madelief and Jonah - and for us - the Mississippi Mud Pie. Originally this Pie (say paai) comes from the Southern United States, but we give it a Dutch twist.

To please all the chocolate-lovers we bake this cake especially for December 5th. Today Madelief bakes and Jonah takes care of control and he helps with the decorations. Then it will be - with or without a visit from Sinterklaas in person - a great night! ;D

This is how to make the pie crust

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Weigh the right amount of butter.

Let the butter melt.

Beat the cookies to coarse crumbs.

Stir the melted butter in.

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Grease or line the spring form.

Pour the crumbs into it and press them firm.

Place the form for an hour in the fridge.

This is how to make the filling

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Melt the butter au bain marie in a bowl on a pot hot water.

Weigh the chocolate and break it into small pieces.

Add the chocolate, stir and remove it from the heat.

Break the eggs in a bowl and add the sugar.

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Mix eggs and sugar in 5-6 minutes thick & creamy.

Scoop the (not entirely whisked stiff) cream into the egg mixture.

Quickly fold in the cooled chocolate.

Preheat the oven to 180°c.

Get the cooled pie bottom from the fridge and pour the filling into the form.

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Place the form in the middle of the oven.

Bake the pie for 40 - 50 minutes.

Let the pie cool in the form on a rack.

meanwhile we make the top layer

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Pour the cream into a large saucepan.

Add the pieces of chocolate and the honey.

Sieve the icing sugar into the saucepan as well.

Place the pan on medium heat and stir until it's glossy.

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Let the mixture cool for 5 minutes then pour it on the pie.

The toplayer should look this smooth and glossy, let it harden 30 min. in de fridge.

Or place the pie 30 minutes in the freezer if the kids will decorate it.

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Madelief makes her own icing fondant decorations.

With Jonah's help they turn out beautiful.

The pie is done, it can be taken out of the form.

To make sure the pie stays in shape we place it on the plate with the metal bottom underneath.

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Mississippi mud pie home

Finally Madelief grates some chocolate over the pie.

Then place the decorations and golden balls on the pie.

Proudly the bakers show their pie (rightfully so!).

The Sint can come now, we're all ready for his visit!

Snazzie's contributors big&small wish all their readers a wonderful Sinterklaas evening full of surprises!!