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Dutch Pancake Day 2023

we eat crepes, by Michel Roux
With fresh fruit and Pan Cakes
Crepe l orange sidepic

For the crêpes
25g plain flour
5g caster sugar
pinch salt
2 medium free-range eggs
325ml milk
50ml double cream
20g clarified butter
For the orange butter sauce (optional)
10 oranges, 6 juiced, 4 segmented
100g icing sugar
125g butter, diced, softened
4 sprigs fresh mint (optional)

Crepe l orange sidepicll

Today it is National Pancake Day. This year the day will be extra festive, we read on the National Pancake Day website! Primary school students throughout the Netherlands bake pancakes and bring them to the elderly. So sweet!

Today we also bake festive pancakes, French crêpes with an orange sauce. We have a delicious recipe from Michel Roux junior so we're going to get started right away!

How to make French crêpes with orange sauce

We start with making the batter

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Put flour, sugar, salt, eggs and 110ml milk into a bowl.

Mix it all together until combined into a smooth batter.

Gradually stir in the remaining milk and the cream.

Let the batter rest for 1 - 2  hours in a warm place.

Preheat the oven to the lowest heat, turn off and place the bowl - covered with a clean cloth - in the oven

Meanwhile make the sauce

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Cut the oranges in half.

Juice them.

Strain the juice.

Add the icing sugar.

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Stir until the icing sugar is completely dissolved.

Let the saus gently simmer to half the volume.

Clean the 2 remaining oranges.

When the sauce has thickened to half the volume remove it from the fire and stir in the butter

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Pour the orange sauce in a jug.

Let the saus cool slightly.

How to bake the crepes

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Place the pan on the fire and brush with butter.

Pour a ladle of batter into the pan.

Swirl the pan until the whole bottom is covered

Fry the pancakes until golden, in 2 minutes on each side.

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Stack the pancakes on a hot plate placing waxed paper in between.

Serve the pancakes folded in four, with orange and sauce on top.

Serve the rest of the sauce on the side. Happy Pancake Day!