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Easter lollipops

Easter Bunnies biscuits
Waldorf recipes, Biscuits, Celebrations around the World, and Easter
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225g fine caster sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
225g butter or vegan margerine
1 free range egg
375g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
fondant icing in various pastel colours
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Easter is coming soon so today we make a recipe for Easter bunnies or Easter lillipops which means Easter biscuits on sticks ;) The mini-monsters will find them cute, because we make them in pastel colors.

How to make Easter lollipops
Bake the Bunnie biscuits in the well known manner

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Mix butter and sugars creamy.

Mix in the egg.

Mix in flour and baking powder.

Mix until you get crumbles.

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Knead quickly smooth by hand.

Place the dough for 1 hour in the fridge.

Dust the workspace with flour.

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Roll the dough to 1.5 - 2 cm.

Place the bunnies on wax paper.

Prick holes in the bunnies.

Place the tray in the fridge.

Place the biscuits for minimal 30 minutes back in the refrigerator then preheat the oven to 175°C

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Bake the biscuits +/- 10 minutes.

Cut bunnies of fondant icing.

Stick on ears, eyes, noses and tails.

Stick fondant icing on the biscuits or together with a drop of water

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Stick the bunnies on the biscuits.

Place the sticks in the holes.

Easter will surely be cheerful with these sweet Easter Bunnies!