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Pancake for Dad

with honey-mascarpone & strawberries
Dutch, Desserts, With fresh fruit, Pan Cakes, and Father's Day
Pannenkoek aardbei mascarpone sidepic

Shopping list
250g pancake flour
350ml milk
2 free range eggs
a pinch of salt
50g butter, to fry in
125g mascarpone
2 tablespoons of clear honey
strawberries to taste
icing sugar, to dust

Pannenkoek aardbei mascarpone sidepicll

A luxury brunch for dad is always a good idea, but certainly on Father's Day! We bake pancakes and beat mascarpone with honey, some nice sweet strawberries on the side and then enjoy the food! We have a small taster who needed two pancakes to decide how good they are ;)

How to make pancakes with honey mascarpone and strawberries

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Wisk the eggs into the milk then beat in the flour and salt.

Heat the frying pan on medium heat, add a knob of butter.

Pour a ladle of batter into the pan, turn the pan around.

Bake the pancake on both sides golden brown.

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Slide the pancakes on a heated plate.

Keep the stack of pancakes warm in the oven.

Beat the mascarpone with the honey until smooth.

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Pannenkoek aardbei mascarpone home

Add the strawberries then sprinkle the plate with icing sugar.

Place a quenelle mascarpone on each plate ( see scoop above right).

Happy Father's Day!