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we bake Swedish Lucia Day cookies
Waldorf recipes, Biscuits, and Celebrations around the World
Pepparkakor sidepic

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125g butter
125g caster sugar
45g dark molasses
50 ml water
250g plain flour + extra
pinch of salt
3 teaspoons gingerbread spices
1.5 tablespoons baking powder
50g icing sugar
3 drops of lemon juice
2 tablespoons water

Pepparkakor homepage

We read the recipe for Pepparkakor year after year in a very sweet picture book: Lucia Morning in Sweden. Today we are going to bake them, these traditional gingerbread cookies that are eaten everywhere in Sweden on Saint Lucia's day. We have beautiful winter cookie cutters from Ikea so we are curious! Please mind! Make the dough on day 1 and bake the cookies on day 2!

How to make Swedish Pepparkakor (Gingerbread)

Day 1 - make the dough

Pepparkakor 01
Pepparkakor 02
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Place sugar, butter and molasses in a saucepan.

Put the pan over low heat and let the contents melt.

Stir occasionally until you no longer feel the sugar grains.

Then take the pan off the heat and set it aside for now.

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Place flour, baking powder and salt in the bowl.

Stir it all together and make a well.

Pour in the butter mixture.

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Stir from the center outward.

Knead the dough firmly by hand.

Place the dough into a clean bowl and cover it.

Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.

Day 2

Preheat the oven to 170°C and place baking paper on the baking tray

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Roll the dough to 0.5cm thickness.

Cut out winter shapes.

We choose animals.

Stars and hearts.

Place the cookies on the baking tray and slide the tray in the middle of the oven

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Bake the cookies for +/- 10 minutes.

Allow to cool on the baking tray.

Keep the cookies fresh in a biscuit tin.

Place the icing sugar with the lemon juice and water in a large bowl, stir it into a thick liquid icing

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Spoon the icing into a piping bag.

Decorate the cookies with the icing.

Allow the icing to set.

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Pepparkakor sidepicll

Wishing you a beautiful Lucia Day!