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a real Sinterklaas treat!
Dutch, Sinterklaas, and Candy
Room borstplaat sidepic

Shopping list
200g caster sugar
80 ml double cream
40 ml water
1 teaspoon vanilla essence or
½ a teaspoon cocoa or powdered coffee

optional: 40g fondant

Room borstplaat home

Such fun to give the mini-monsters a taste of this old-fashioned Sinterklaas treat, we like it very much too! Of the three flavours we like chocolate the most but vanilla and mocca or delicious too, so all three it is then ;)

Our recipe is by Cees Holtkamp, the well known Amsterdam patissier and we have the candy thermometer at hand, because with making borstplaat you really need one!

How to make roomborstplaat

Room borstplaat 01
Room borstplaat 02
Room borstplaat 03
Room borstplaat 04

Grease the baking paper and the molds.

Stir sugar and cocoa until combined.

Add the double cream.

Stir all until combined.

Bring the borstplaat mixture to the boil and let it cook until the food thermometer points exactly to 115°C

Room borstplaat 05
Room borstplaat 07
Room borstplaat 07

That means boil for app. 10 minutes.

Pour the mixture into the molds.

Allow the borstplaat to dry on both sides.

Please mind!

*Make sure the bottom on which you place the molds is even, the first batch on a wry baking tray leaks very much! The second batch placed on a cutting board is doing much better.


Room borstplaat 08
Room borstplaat home

Gently remove the molds.

When made really well Sinterklaas candy tastes by far the best! :(