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Rotterdamse moppies

that's different cook ;)
Dutch and Biscuits
Rotterdamse moppies sidepic

Shopping list
250g blanched almonds
100g fine caster sugar
2 tablespoons water
1 free range egg yolk
zest of ½ a lemon
zest of ½ an orange
pinch of salt
50g fine caster sugar
2g mixed spice (for gingerbread)

Rotterdamse moppies sidepicll

The recipe for these moppies is from the Rotterdam based Michiel Sloff, who has a passion for baking with herbs & spices. Because we Rotterdammers like to try a Rotterdam recipe, today we bake this cookie, which is not really a kids cookie.

Very honestly we would say: it is a Weespermop with the addition of zest and mixed spices, But hey, the cookies taste great! We do make our own almond paste.

How to make Rotterdam Moppies


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Grate the ½ lemon.

Grate the ½ orange.

Split an egg.

Grate the almonds until powder.

The cookies

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Mix the powder with 100g sugar + the water.

Mix in the egg yolk and the pinch of salt.

Mix in the lemon and the orange zest.

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Spoon the dough on cling film.

Roll it into a cylinder.

Put the roll 1 hour in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 200°C

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Cut off circles at 1.5 cm.

Stir the spice into the sugar.

Coat the cookies with it.

Line the tray with waxed paper.

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Rotterdamse moppies home

Bake the cookies golden in 8-9 minutes.

The moppies taste delicious with a coffee!