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Lady fingers from Savoia
Summer, Italian, and Biscuits
Savoiardi sidepic

Shopping list
6 free range organic egg whites
6 free range organic egg yolks
1/2 vanilla bean
115g fine granulated sugar
75g bread flour
60g  cornstarch
icing sugar, as needed

Savoiardi home

In Italy they are called Savoiardi, in France Biscuits Cuillère, in the United Kingdom they call these biscuits Lady fingers and we Dutch just say lady fingers ;)) Today we make them ourselves, it is just a matter of paying close attention and following the recipe carefully. But then they are so delicious!

How to make Savoiardi

First the preparation

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Place baking paper on the tray.

Scrape the vanillabean empty.

Split the egg yolks -

- from the egg whites

And then we start ...

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Put sugar and egg whites in the mixer.

Beat the egg whites until stiff.

Put the egg whites aside for now.

Get a clean mixing bowl

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Put egg yolks and vanilla in the mixer.

Beat the egg yolks 10 minutes on high speed.

It looks like this after beating for 10 minutes.

Whisk the stiff egg whites carefully and swiftly smooth.

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Add the egg whites to the egg yolk mixture.

Stir briefly until it is stripy.

Sift the flour with the cornstarch.

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Add 1/3 to the eggmixture and fold in lightly.

Repeat this two times, then the flour is gone.

Spoon the batter into a piping bag with a round nozzle.

Pipe app. 10 cm long stripes on the baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 220°C / 200°C Fan, sift icing sugar over the wet biscuits and let it dissolve in 5 minutes

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Sift icing sugar over the cookies again.

Put the biscuits in the oven, with the door ajar.

Bake the biscuits for 10 - 12 minutes light brown.

Allow the biscuits to cool on a wire rack.

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Store the Savoiardi 24 hours at room temperature, to dry out, do not close the tin. Lovely with your tea!