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Watermelon jellies

lovely cool
American, Desserts, and With fresh fruit
Water melon jelly side

Shopping list
½ a watermelon
1 lime
100g caster sugar
sachet vanilla sugar
max 3 gelatine leaves
assorted summer fruits
optional: tangerine liqueur

Water melon jelly promo

These little watermelon jellies are it for the snazzie mini-monsters, lovely fresh and sweet, yummy! They are quickly made but you need to start a day early! Our halve unpeeled melon weighs 1600 grams.

How to make watermelon jellies

Water melon jelly 01
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Fill the pudding molds with water,  put them aside for now.

Cut the watermelon in half, then in slices.

Cube the slices, remove as much seeds as possible.

Juice the lime.

Save some watermelon cubes to decorate the jellies with later on.

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Add juice and sugar to the melon cubes.

Blend melon cubes, sugar and juice smooth.

Rub the meloen juice through a sieve.

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Put the 600ml juice aside for now.

Soak the gelatin 10 minutes.

Dissolve it in boiling water.

Stir it into the melon juice.

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Pour the melon mixture into the molds.

Place the molds overnight in the freezer.

Tap the watermelon jellies out onto plates.

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Water melon jelly home

De jellies are just too cute! Serve them half defrosted place summer fruit around.