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We bake little doves

for Whitsun
Waldorf recipes, Biscuits, and Treat
Duiven koekjes sidepic

Shopping list
75g butter (room temperature)
75g caster sugar
1/2 free-range organic egg (small)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
125g (Zeeland) flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar

Duiven koekjes sidepicll

Tomorrow is Pentecost and then the little monsters are having a doll tea. So today we are baking the biscuits, they will be small doves, they go well with Pentecost. The biscuits are quickly made, cutting with the tiny cookie cutter is fun. It works really well with small hands. The doves are very cute! Let's wait and see how many little doves are left tomorrow, because we'll have a taste first of course!

How to make the mini doves

Make the dough with the recipe 

Preheat the oven to 175°C / 160°C FAN and cover the baking tray with a sheet of waxed paper

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Fetch the dough from the refrigerator and knead it briefly.

Roll out the dough between two slats of 1cm thickness.

Cut out doves and place them on the baking tray.

Place the baking tray in the fridge for 15 - 30 minutes.

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Bake the biscuits for 8-10 minutes.

Let the biscuits cool a moment on the tray.

Let them cool completely on a wire rack.

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Sift some icing sugar over the little doves.

The little doves taste yummie, the mini-monsters are pleased with the result!

We wish you happy Pentecost!