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We are making jam

Blackberries are in season!
Autumn, With fresh fruit, and Jam / compote / jelly
Bramenjam sidepic

Shopping list
1250g blackberries, washed
500g preserving sugar
¼ lemon, juice only
250g blackberries
100g preserving sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Also needed: sterilized sealable jam jars and lids


Bramenjam sidepicll

When the blackberries are in season again, we can't help ourselves, we make delicious blackberry jam. Nice about it is the jam is very tasty and it is ready quickly. We use special gelling sugar from Van Gilze, our jams always turn out perfect, with this preserving sugar.

Because we love all kinds of jam, we make smaller quantities than indicated on the sugar package. At the top you can see the full recipe, below we have already calculated our quantities for you. We have enough with 2 jars of jam, but we could also fill a mini jar! Here you read Van Gize Jam tips

How to make this delicious blackberry jam

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Sterelize the jam jars in boiling water. the old fashioned way.

Wash the blackberries under the cold tap and let drain.

Puree the blackberries in a food processor or use a fork.

Add puree and sugar to a thick bottomed pan.

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Stir puree and sugar until well combined.

Add the lemon juice and stir it in.

Bring the mixture to the boil.

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Use pliers to remove the jars from the hot water.

Place the jars upside down on a clean tea towel.

Let the jam boil well for 1 minute while you stir.

Fill the warm jars up to the rim with the hot jam.

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Seal the jars tightly.

Turn them upside down for 5 minutes.

Then let the jam cool completely.

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Bramenjam homepage

Unopened the jam will keep for 1 year, in a cool dark place.

After opening, store the jam in the refrigerator and eat it within 2 weeks.
